How it Works
The Maji Movement comprises both Tanzanian and American employees to ensure seamless and culturally-competent coordination and execution of our mission. Our team in Tanzania is composed of local staff with whom the founder of The Maji Movement has had a close relationship for over 5 years and who are passionate about bringing awareness and creating solutions to the dire water situation in Tanzania. The Tanzania Team works diligently to connect with villages lacking access to improved water systems. As sustainability is a pillar in The Maji Movement’s mission, the Tanzania Team works closely with partnering villages to identify project leaders and to ensure widespread community enthusiasm prior to project initiation.
Our team in America is made up of like-minded individuals who are connected in their belief that access to clean water is a basic human right. This team is responsible for creating a curriculum on the global water crisis that can be easily incorporated into the classroom setting, fundraising, and bringing awareness to our overall mission while creating a bridge between our Tanzania and United States based communities.
Our goal is for families in Tanzania to have sustainable access to clean water. Our mission is not simply to provide water filtration systems, but to build upon the knowledge and skills individuals and communities need to treat their own water in the long-term for an improved quality of life. The Maji Movement works hand in hand with our team in Tanzania that builds, installs, and maintains our biosand filters ultimately strengthening community-wide occupational skills while creating a lasting water filtration solution. This model allows our organization to function efficiently in Tanzania entirely based off a local team.
Kids Making an Impact
All of this is made possible with the help of our dedicated schools right here in the United States. The Maji Movement coordinates with schools to bring awareness to the global water crisis. We provide teachers at partnering schools a curriculum, allowing them to teach their students about global health, the importance of clean water, and how children around the world often do not have the privilege of drinking safe water.
Students have the opportunity to contribute to The Maji Movement’s projects through advocacy and fundraising. Children learn the direct influence their efforts can have, instilling in them compassion and a sense of global unity. We believe if children are shown how they can make a profound difference at such a young age, they will be encouraged to continue helping others in ways they may have otherwise not thought possible.
Community Education
A pillar of The Maji Movement is ensuring our partnering communities also understand the impact that clean water has on health and longevity. For every individual receiving a filter we provide a two day educational workshop focused on the importance of clean water, the negative consequences of unsanitary water, and formal training on how each household can maintain their new filter for years and years to come. Our team works hand in hand with community members utilizing posters, graphics, and games to account for varying literacy levels, ultimately elevating community empowerment through knowledge.